Happy birthday, Kevin!

My wonderful friend Kevin–one of only two groomsmen at my wedding–finally turns 30 today, several months after me. Kevin has been living the high life out in LA, working hard at becoming a struggling actor/producer.

Uh, no, that’s not him. No, not him either. Ah, there he is!

Well, anyway, he’s my friend, and today’s his birthday. So I send wonderful birthday wishes in the general direction of LA (where is that, west? right?). Happy birthday, Kevin! Cumpleaños feliz! Alles gute zum geburtstag! Otanjou-bi omedetou gozaimasu!

And for a special present, here’s a shitty photo of us I took with my cellphone camera back in December 2004. Remember how we (and pretty much everyone that knows us) refer to us as the poster children for ADD? Well, now it’s official (Kevin is on the left, I’m on the right):

Okay, that’s actually not your present. You should be getting a free month of WoW in the mail sometime soon, Mr. Addict. Hopefully your address hasn’t changed. It’s still the cardboard box in the alley behind Grauman’s Chinese Theater, right?