Holiday Letter (Blog Post) 2010

I’m too lazy and last-minute to do this the “traditional” way, where I sit and write out a long and heartfelt letter outlining all the things me and my family have done this past year. My thinking is that the people who don’t care about my life wouldn’t even bother to read it, and those few that do care already know everything that’s happened. So, here’s a blog post, instead. It takes less commitment, so everyone feels equally disappointed in the results. It’s a win/win!

I’ll go from youngest to oldest, which is the order of relative power within the family hierarchy.

Harlyn has been an amazing little bundle of awesome. She’s growing at an exponential rate, and I’m concerned that by the time she’s two, she’ll be communicating at a level much higher than I am capable of myself. Those who know me should not be surprised at this.

Her favorite activities include running after her brothers, climbing on things she should not be capable of climbing upon, watching Backyardigans, using words that sound ridiculously like real, actual words, and attaching herself to her mother’s chest. I would make a joke about that, but this blog post is already going to be awkward enough as it is.

Alex is a phenomenon in and of himself. He is emotional, demanding, and curious, and perhaps just a bit too much of all of those things. But he is also loving, smart, and adventurous, and he might almost be too much of those, as well.

Like any younger brother, the most important things to Alex are any thing that is incredibly important to Caleb. Also, like any younger brother, there are a great many topics upon which he and his older brother do not see eye to eye. It’s enigmatic, I understand, but then, you need to know Alex in order to comprehend that. We’re still trying desperately to puzzle the boy out. Thankfully, it’s an entertaining sort of effort, and we can at least take solace in the fact that he seems to enjoy frustrating us, and in the end, that’s absolutely something to smile about.

His favorite activities include forcing us to play board games with him and being absurdly good at any video game set before him.

Caleb continues his steady march forward into his own future. He’s at that unique moment in his life where he is desperately clamoring towards adulthood, but still firmly cemented within his own childhood. Like his siblings, he is built mainly of love and curiosity, but his thirst for understanding is nearly insatiable, which is both a blessing and a curse.

This year, we’ve directed his energy and passion towards the Boy Scouts, and he seems to be taking to it well. He’s been splitting his school time between homeschooling and public schooling, and it’s an experiment that is likely to end soon due to its plethora of difficulties, for him and for his various teachers.

His favorite activities include reading, drawing cartoon characters, and reminding his mother how many years remain until he is able to perform various adult-like tasks, such as getting his driver’s license and going away to college.

Amanda is a rock. Figuratively, of course, but no less with the rock-like qualities. She has soldiered through an unbearably difficult sort of year with grace and strength, and she should be commended and awarded all manner of medals and certificates. She has continued to manage this family well, and within limitations that would turn lesser women to dust.

Lately she has begun to fiercely cling to movements that she believes in, and I admire her passion. Whether it’s midwifery, breastfeeding, natural living, or homeschooling, Amanda has been advocating for simplicity in life, and compassion and respect for others. They are lessons that I want to see passed onto our children, and I fully embrace and encourage her renewed spirit of life and love.

Lastly, I am still me. Some days I’m playing the part of the wearisome artiste, struggling to find a voice and a vehicle for his creative spirit. Other days, I’m just some dude trying to make a living while playing video games and occasionally entertaining others. I’ve temporarily pushed off my dreams of writing in exchange for a sudden desire for webcomickry. I’ve started a quaint and poorly-drawn comic called The 29th State. Avert your eyes, for it is not pretty. But it is an outlet for creativity, and that’s something I just need. Heaven help me, I’m also going to attempt to take up painting at some point in the next year. We’ll see how that goes. I’m guessing not well.

In the meantime, I’m also playing ridiculous amounts of Minecraft. Like, scary amounts. So many amounts, it ceases to amuse.

So, in a nutshell, that’s who and where we all are at the moment. We’re taking each day as it comes, and praying for the strength to continue. Our family is happy and loving, together and strong, and in these uncertain times, that is something substantial. And in this holiday season, we’re doing well, and hoping that you are, too.

Merry Christmas.