If wishes were horses, I’d pick up an ATV

So, I’ve been gradually removing the games from my wish list lately as review scores come out and my anticipation for certain titles wane as real gameplay stories begin trickling in. After checking out the tracklist for Guitar Hero 3, I no longer have an interest in that game. Battalion Wars 2 is getting a lukewarm reception. Fire Emblem, I’m told, is a direct sequel to the GameCube version in both story and graphics. Pretty much all I have left to look forward to is picking up Zack & Wiki and Super Mario Galaxy, which are evidently both game of the year contenders.

Luckily (or unluckily, depending on your perspective), 2008 is shaping up to be a stellar year for the Wii. Here’s a rundown of the things I’m looking forward to next year:

  • Super Smash Bros. Brawl
  • Mario Kart Wii
  • Disaster: Day of Crisis
  • Worms: a Space Oddity
  • Space Station Tycoon
  • Star Wars: the Force Unleashed
  • Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles: the Crystal Bearers
  • Okami Wii
  • Opoona
  • Civilization Revolution
  • Tales of Symphonia 2: Knight of Ratatosk

And by the time we get to about mid-2008, this list will likely double in size. And this is just the Wii list. If I end up getting a DS for Christmas (as I likely will), I’ll have to start seriously looking at that library, as well.

And then, around this time next year, I’ll lament about how most of these games suck, and I’ll be looking forward to all the great stuff coming out in 2009.

Why am I a gamer again? Ugh.