It’s dangerous to go alone!

I mentioned a couple of posts back that I started a new gaming blog. Well, sometime soon after I started the blog, I decided to give it a more permanent home. It’s not that I don’t like Posterous, it’s just that I felt it needed something more. So now, the blog is housed at WordPress (alongside this one) and is called It’s Dangerous to Go Alone. The name is based on this seminal moment from the very beginning of the Legend of Zelda:

See? It’s not only a Nintendo reference, it’s also a co-op gaming reference. Here’s a quick round-up of some of the posts I’ve already hastily pounded out over there:

Obviously stuff you won’t care about unless you’re remotely interested in gaming. And even then, you have to care about gaming on Nintendo platforms, which I know is a stretch for a lot of people. But it’s fun to write, and it gives me an outlet for talking about games that doesn’t take up space here. There’s also a post there about my boys, along with a picture. Get your kid fix there, I suppose. It also talks a bit about what gaming what like for me when I was a wee little one, cautiously tapping at the tiny, clicking buttons of my NES controller so very many years ago.

I might pop in one of these “what’s going on at my OTHER blog” sort of posts every now and again, just to remind those of you that still read this tripe here that there’s another place where I yammer away nonsensically about things that interest me. You know. If you’re into that sort of thing.