It’s that magical, sensational time of year. That’s right, it’s FAIR TIME! Tomorrow morning, at the absolute crack of dawn, the Iowa state fairgrounds will awaken and begin a sensory overload the likes of which haven’t been seen since…well, last year, I suppose.
I’ve taken the day off so that we can arrive by 8:00 am. Why so early? Well, how else can you be a part of the historic Corndog Chomp (and get in for free)? And then there’s funnel cakes and deep fat fried Twinkies and lamb burgers and various “-on-a-stick” items that require ravenous consumption. There’s a butter cow and (apparently) a butter Shawn Johnson to behold! And there’s music (I think). And, of course, more food! And lots and lots of PEOPLE! EVERYWHERE! Adorned in clothing they rightfully should not be wearing in public.
And the smells – oh, goodness gracious, the SMELLS! Scents that truly you cannot find anywhere else – natural or unnatural.
Sarcasm aside, the fair is quite simply an annual event that absolutely, unequivocally MUST be attended, regardless of how far beneath your place in life you might consider it. It is not a fair; it is an experience. One that I am more than happy to indulge in once (or twice) every year. If only for the wonderful memories our children gain while trapped within the confines of the concrete fairground jungle. And I suppose I can be convinced to enjoy it, too.
So long as I get my lamb burger.