My long painful weekend

I had Friday off of work and had planned to do some stuff to the house in addition to having some fun, too. Man, I was not prepared for the amount of brutal damage my body would be subject to over a three day period.

Friday: Art Festival. Walking around in sandals for a couple hours. Ugh begins.

Saturday: more Art Festival, this time with the boys. Lots more walking around for several hours, but in more comfortable shoes. Lots of chasing free-range boys. Ugh.

Also, Battle of the Bands 2007 at our church. I was emcee, so lots of running around and yelling at the crowd. Good fun! It also, unfortunately, included staying until midnight to put away large, heavy racks of tables and chairs. Double ugh.

Sunday: a good portion of Sunday was spent working on the house. I mowed the lawn, I cleaned the porch, I cleaned the shed attached to the garage. I also packed a few boxes of books, moved the bookshelf into the office, and hauled about ten boxes of miscellaneous crap to our off-site storage shed. Ugh adequately quadrupled.

All in all, I am feeling like a human bowl of jelly at the moment, and I feel like crying about it here. Just thought you’d like to share in the pain and suffering.