I know that I “retired” from webcomickry over at Evil Avatar Comics, but I just can’t stay away. I have an itch to create poorly drawn comics, and I find that I can only do that in the relative safety of the Evil Avatar community. So, I created a new comic, called Metroid Concepts in our Current World, and I posted it in the super-secret subscribers forum of the site. So, you can’t actually see it unless you are a paid subscriber to EvAv.
But, hey — you want in on a secret? I also posted the comic at my ComicSpace. You can find it here. It’s actually the first in a series, and I’ll be posting all of them at ComicSpace. The idea of the comics is simple, but probably only interesting to Metroid fans. You see, in the comic, I’m taking the standard elements of the Metroid universe, and seeing how they would be applied to our current world. People who aren’t familiar with the somewhat eccentric conventions of the games would likely be a bit lost viewing these comics. Just a fair warning.
I’m currently planning to post a new comic every couple of weeks or so.
Enjoy (if you like Metroid)!