No, I’m NOT dreaming of a white Thanksgiving, thank you

So, it’s snowing. First actual snow of the season. It probably won’t stick around for very long, as the temperature is already up to 30 degrees and tomorrow it’s supposed to get up to almost 50. But, for now, we have about an inch of the white stuff, and the boys are terribly excited, as kids often are at the prospect of being able to throw objects at dad without being scolded at.

I’m trying really hard to remember where fall went, but it’s existence is quickly slipping away. It’s easily my favorite season of the year, if only for the fact that I feel sorry for it when it disappears before we’ve had a chance to enjoy it even tentatively. It’s a fleeting season. The leaves start to drop, and we fastidiously rake them and bag them. And then a brisk wind sweeps through, and we’re left with nothing but sticks and dead grass until April. Weeeee! Can you just feel the Magic of the Season™ bursting all around you? I thought you could. It might just be the hypothermia setting in. Better get that checked.

In the meantime: snow photos! Snowtos!