Evidently the person(s) responsible for setting up SaveDigg.com think so. The site is a fantastically interesting concept. Basically it aggregates all the news stories that those three top digg users now on Netscape’s payroll post to Netscape. The idea is that you see what they are doing over there, and you post the same content on digg so that…well, I’m not sure. So you accurately copy Netscape, I suppose?
Their hearts are in the right place, for sure, but the fact that these top users have now focused on adding content to Netscape is not going to kill digg in any way. Will digg’s traffic decrease and Netscape’s increase? Possibly. Will that make digg somehow a failed website/community? Hardly. Copying the news stories that Bloodjunkie, Wayjer, and dirtyfratboy post to Netscape over to digg will not keep anything from happening, other than making you feel warm and fuzzy that we are somehow stemming the inevitable collapse of the digg community by doing so. The thought is simply laughable.
If you think the stories are worth posting to digg, then do so. But don’t do it just because these top users have posted it to Netscape. Do it because you think it’s something digg users will enjoy reading. That’s what made digg so popular in the first place.
And lighten up. This is the internet, after all.