Looks like popular photo site Shutterfly had a very successful opening on the stock exchange. Good for them! Marshall does an excellent job of pointing out why people (like my wife and I) use Shutterfly. The best advantage? Holiday cards. We’ve used Shutterfly to send out our holiday cards for the past three years, and it has been phenomenal. Load up a photo, design a card, throw in all your addresses, and let Shutterfly do the laborious part of sending all the cards out for you. Sure, it’s more expensive than doing it yourself, but the benefit is in the fact that A) it actually gets done, and B) you get more time to enjoy the holidays instead of stuffing envelopes. And really, it’s not all that expensive at all. Just more expensive than manual labor.
Let’s hope this is a first step to an even more successful future for Shutterfly.