Evidently the fine people at Wizards of the Coast (WotC) saw fit to create a Dungeons & Dragons Facebook application called D&D Tiny Adventures (not to be confused with Tiny TOON Adventures). In this app, you can select from a significantly narrow list of adventurers and begin your own solo campaign, where all of the […]
Three-way chess
I used to play a lot of chess with a good friend of mine from school. He and I (and obviously, some other fool) would likely get a huge kick out of getting the opportunity to play three-way chess. That is simply too beautiful for words. Full instructions can be found here.
Gary Gygax has passed
Image from the official Wizards D&D site. Remembrance of times past currently underway over at Evil Avatar. He was a great man, a visionary gamer, and will be sorely missed. Keep rollin’ twenties, friend. Keep rollin’ those twenties….
Dungeons and Dragons 4th edition
This is probably for the best, seeing as how I gave away all my 3rd edition D&D materials to Ziggurat Con. A more generous reading would cite all the extracurricular work that Wizards is putting into community building for D&D. Launching alongside the new edition of the rules is what the company is calling D&D […]
Giant game of RISK!
During the Super Bowl, while everyone else watched some football game, a bunch of us die-hard gamers got together and played a giant game of RISK. Rather than recount the entire sordid tale, I’ll just link to the Evil Avatar post I made about it. It has pictures! And a running commentary. Needless to say, […]