Now, just to clarify, I’m no Apple hater. I don’t have the trademark intensely-burning dislike towards the company that my fellow Windows and/or Android-centric acolytes seem to share. But I’m not a fan of their closed nature, and I promised myself long ago that anytime I was given the option, I would always work to […]
Nintendo reaches out and touches…no one
I’d take a Nintendo Phone over an Apple iPhone any day of the week. [E]ngadget imobile has found a patent for a Nintendo Phone. Initially filed in 2001, and issued just last June, the patent describes an “electronic apparatus having game and telephone functions,” and details how the device would pause a game for an […]
Apple is NOT going to buy Nintendo
I can’t provide a single link because there’s so many news sites “reporting” on this. The originating article can be found on Crave, a tech blog over at CNet UK. The originating article also makes sweeping assumptions based on zero fact and only partially possible rumors. It’s basically a gigantic “wouldn’t it be great if…?” […]