Great thoughts from Dave Winer based on an open question from Ponzarelli. Since the conversation is fairly short at the moment, I thought I would add my own thoughts on the concept. Ponzi asks how many social networks is enough? Dave responds that we only need one. The true question becomes: which one? The problem […]
Blog and mini-blog
I have an RSS feed mini-blog going on the bottom of the site here that’s a running feed of my Twitter tweets. See, now you come here and you get two blogs for the price of none! Now that’s value!
Do not adjust your sets
Yes, I’m playing around with the templates. Anyone who knows me knows that I have to change up the look of the site at least once every quarter. Thoughts?
GigaGamez would like some (better) bloggers
The name still sucks, but maybe the content can rise above it by bringing in some fresh blood. Maybe with some new bloggers, they’ll actually talk about something other than Second Life. I’m not holding my breath.
SNAP to it!
Looks like I’m one of the limited 10% of WordPress users to get the new SPA link preview feature. I’ve seen this feature in action over on Techcrunch and thought of it as a slick little tool then. It doesn’t hit the processor hard with every preview, though some seem to load a bit faster […]
Damn, he kept the “z”…
I told him not to, but he did it anyways. I’m not going to bother visiting, but good luck to Om and whole Giga crew on this new endeavor.
GigaGamez? No, Om. Just…no.
I don’t know how this slipped past me the other day, but I’ve just now caught up with the realization that Om Malik will be calling his new gaming-related blog GigaGamez. Om. No. I’m 99.9% certain you will never read this blog, but nonetheless, I implore you. No. Drop the z. Replace it with an […]
I’m busy – leave me alone!
Between grinding on Maple Story and drawing comics, I’ve been pretty busy lately. But I haven’t forgotten all 27 of you dedicated readers. Well, yes I have.
Introducing the Nerdblog Network!
We’re all nerds, or at least to some extent. I’ve begun to collect a few nerds at a happy location called the Nerdblog Network! I’ll speak periodically about this wonderful project, but for now, I’ll let the initial post on the new site speak for itself.
I can’t get recognition for my blogging! Oh, NOES!
The conversation on the blogosphere regarding this apparent blockage from “upper-tier” bloggers somehow keeping lower-scale bloggers from reaching the heights of power and fame is absolutely ridiculous. Mike Arrington and Jason Calacanis (of all people) are making the most sense of the discussion. From Crunchnotes: It’s not so much about how one blog can rise […]