It looks like three digg users have taken Jason Calacanis’ offer and are now being paid $1000 a month to add social news content to Netscape. Top digg users BloodJunkie, DirtyFratBoy, and Wayjer have all accepted the paying gig, and quite a few notable digg users seem to have joined up on Netscape, as well, […]
Wii wins big for Business Week
Articles are beginning to pop up that proclaim the bold vision Nintendo holds as a shining example of a business model that could eventually topple the Sony giant. Hearing gaming sites say that is annoying. Hearing Business Week say that is astounding: “Non-gamers are coming back because there are interesting games people want to play,” […]
Apple is NOT going to buy Nintendo
I can’t provide a single link because there’s so many news sites “reporting” on this. The originating article can be found on Crave, a tech blog over at CNet UK. The originating article also makes sweeping assumptions based on zero fact and only partially possible rumors. It’s basically a gigantic “wouldn’t it be great if…?” […]
Take-Two taking ‘strong look’ at Wii
Link: Next Generation "The positive [aspect] for us is that we haven't been a big player in the Nintendo platform," said Eibeler. "The reception that [the Wii] received at the E3 show is one that makes us take a real strong look at it. As we grow our sports business, there are opportunities with our […]
The sale day of Wii, as for announcement of price September
Link: Famitsu (horrendously translated from Japanese to English by Google) Don't even bother attempting to read through that translated page. I think I understood it better when it was in Japanese. Evidently, according to gaming sites with more reliable translation sources, Nintendo is planning to announce the official Wii launch date and price sometime in […]
Nintendo Wii Price Not to Exceed $250
Link: Evil Avatar I’m all for cheap consoles. In fact, not only am I for them, I’m exclusively for them. I have neither the funds nor the time to support expensive habits. I want my entertainment cheap and quick. So hearing that the Wii will not cost more than $250, is good news. Even better […]