I haven’t been around much lately, because we’ve been in the process of transitioning to a new place. Between that and a severe lack of internet at home due to the move, internet-ing has been relatively light these past couple of weeks. But I did take the opportunity yesterday to check out a bit of […]
Ficly is now live!
I mentioned a while back (holy crap, and it’s still on the front page) that Kevin Lawver was going to re-incarnate the long-lost property that AOL killed, Ficlets, into a new creation. And now that day has come. Introducing Ficly! I haven’t had a chance to really play with it yet, but here’s some things […]
AOL kills Ficlets
Well, it was really only a matter of time. Once Kevin Lawver left AOL, I knew that Ficlets wouldn’t be able to carry on without his influence and support. If the fantastic and creative community that cropped up around the fiction site could be considered the lifeblood of Ficlets, then Kevin was really its heart: […]
The re-colonization of like-minded gamers
Yeah, I know, blogging moratorium, interrupting my writing flow, yadda yadda — but this is important. I fled the Evil Avatar community a long time ago. Quietly, and under my own terms. There were a few reasons for this, not the least of which was the venom and disgust with which some members regarded any […]
Tor.com launches! Scifi geeks gain a(nother) home
As if there weren’t already enough places for geeks to hang out online, another challenger approaches! Popular science fiction publisher Tor has re-launched their website as a mini scifi geek social network, and I have to admit, it has an excellent set of initial features and offerings. First things first: here’s my profile. It will […]
PlayIt, ReviewIt is LIVE!
I guess Siraris is ready to let the proverbial cat out of the proverbial bag with the official launch of his brainchild, PlayItReviewIt. I’ve got a handful of Wii game reviews out there, one of which is currently a front-page “featured review”, so I got that going for me, which is nice. I guess this […]
Goodbye, Evil Avatar
I’ve been a member and regular poster at Evil Avatar for some time now. I’ve always loved the site and a lot of the regular contributors. I think it’s just time to move on. I’ve been posting with less and less frequency lately. Now, I’ve simply hung it all up altogether. Nothing in particular made […]
Someone over at Evil Avatar is collecting developers at a location called OurXNA. The site is dedicated to discussing XNA development of Xbox LIVE Arcade games. I have no programming skills to speak of, beyond HTML, CSS, and some limited javascript, so I unfortunately can’t provide any useful services. Or can I? See the logo […]
Ficlets: making mini-fiction into a social app
This. Is. Brilliant. John Scalzi has announced the creation of Ficlets, which is basically a social app consisting entirely of collaborative short fiction. And it is a phenomenal idea. At the very heart of the concept is what we’ve been trying to do over at the Evil Avatar Writer’s Guild. Which is concentrate writing into […]