I just now, today, about a half-hour or so ago, discovered Nvu. All I really wanted was a WYSIWYG editor that could help cut the amount of time I spend updating my HTML-based Wii game tracker “database”. Right now, when I have an update to a game on one of my pages, I have to: […]
Back to Firefox
With everything going on recently, and me being so incredibly busy with side projects, I completely forgot to mention that I switched back to Firefox over the holidays. I’m still a tremendous supporter of Flock and will continue to track its progress, but I simply can’t use the pre-1.0 version of the software. Not until […]
Nintendo giving away free Wii dev-kits?
Found this via digg: A developer in a big coastal American city apparently received a mysterious package from Nintendo. Office staff, programmers, and even the president weren’t aware what was inside. The box was opened, and viola, Wii dev kit. This could be a ploy on Nintendo’s part to get as many companies working on […]
So, Songbird is actually just singing a different tune
Apparently Songbird developers flock to websites whenever their product is mentioned. That’s fine by me. Developer Nivi has commented in my previous post regarding my non-acceptance of the Songbird build: We may be doing a bad job communicating the (eventual) Songbird value proposition. Songbird isn’t supposed to replace your web browser. It is supposed to […]
Songbird isn’t singing to me
In a previous post, I referred to the Songbird Firefox build as "an unfortunate waste of code." This comment prompted Rob Lord–one of the principal Songbird developers–to ask me in the comments of that post why I felt that way towards their product. I guess the wonders of Technorati keep even this obscure little blog […]
Will Firefox users flock to Flock?
Link: Flock The new kid on the block, Flock, is supposedly launching their first public beta sometime this afternoon/evening/night (version 0.7 — internally referred to as "Cardinal"). The theory behind the new browser is basically web 2.0. It's social. It's efficient. It's integrated. Bookmarks are stored on del.icio.us and displayed within the browser via a […]