I mentioned a couple of posts back that I started a new gaming blog. Well, sometime soon after I started the blog, I decided to give it a more permanent home. It’s not that I don’t like Posterous, it’s just that I felt it needed something more. So now, the blog is housed at WordPress […]
Home cooking with DS homebrew
So, now that I have a DS Lite, what’s next beyond just playing some great games? Homebrew. I’ve already ordered a new microSD card and, based on suggestions and pointers from a known homebrewer on the Colony, I also ordered the R4DS cart from System Gears. Both shipped within the past couple of days, and […]
The Wii and DS games of 2009
So, 2008 wasn’t really the year of the Wii RPG that I had hoped it would be. 2008, as a matter of fact, wasn’t really the year for a whole lot on the Wii of any real substance. I’m not trying to discount everything that showed up on the Little Console that Could™. There were […]
DS Lite is moving higher on my list
My co-worker brought in his Nintendo DS and his brand new copy of the Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass into work yesterday so I could check it out. All I’ve heard from him for months is that despite all the games coming out on every console these days, the DS remains his favorite system. He’s […]