I mentioned a couple of posts back that I started a new gaming blog. Well, sometime soon after I started the blog, I decided to give it a more permanent home. It’s not that I don’t like Posterous, it’s just that I felt it needed something more. So now, the blog is housed at WordPress […]
New blog!
I know, why do I need another blog? Well, it’s simple. Every now and then I like to talk about video games. And even though this blog is appropriately called “Nerdflood”, I don’t necessarily want it to become a games-centric blog. I want it to be about me and my penchant for nerdiness. Henceforth, all […]
Home cooking with DS homebrew
So, now that I have a DS Lite, what’s next beyond just playing some great games? Homebrew. I’ve already ordered a new microSD card and, based on suggestions and pointers from a known homebrewer on the Colony, I also ordered the R4DS cart from System Gears. Both shipped within the past couple of days, and […]
2008: the year of the 360 RPG?
I know that the Wii has some RPGs on the way, but it looks as though 2008 might also be the year that the Xbox 360 gets some quality RPG goodness of its own. Infinite Undiscovery from Square Enix slated to hit the US at the beginning of September. The Last Remnant, also a Square […]
The next Nintendo console will just have to wait
So, I have a co-worker, and he and I are both die-hard Nintendo fanboys. We have always owned Nintendo consoles, we have always worshiped Nintendo properties, we have always waited with child-like glee and anticipation for every new nugget of Nintendo goodness. Now, this co-worker friend of mine recently purchased an Xbox 360. No problem, […]
Lostwinds is fantastic
I just finished the WiiWare game Lostwinds by UK developer Frontier. It is, in one word: amazing. Yes, it is definitely short. I completed the game in about 2 and 1/2 hours, give or take. But it never once disappointed in the least. The concept of controlling the wind and a character in unison is […]
WiiWare launches today!
Today is WiiWare launch day! So, when I get home today, I’ll have some purchasing decisions to make. Luckily, those decisions will be relatively easy. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King. This one’s a no-brainer. It’s a Final Fantasy building sim that looks gorgeous. Sure, it’s $15, but I was just going […]
Is Brawl awesome?
I can most assuredly report to you that it is every bit as awesome as everyone has been making it out to be. How awesome? Well, it’s sold 1.4 million copies in the past week. Just in North America. 874,000 copies were sold just on the first day. How awesome? The entire game–from menus to […]
A photo of my shame
Some may doubt my wife’s gaming prowess. May I submit to you proof that my wife is indeed, “1337”. In the photo below, my wife’s Mii is the one in the orange hat with shades. She has left me with, what, five top scores? Out of nearly thirty? A paltry sum, I declare, but I […]
No More Heroes has acquired my interest
Violent Wii-exclusive action title No More Heroes by Suda 51 has been garnering some rather excellent reviews since its release this week. They are compiling some of the more impressive scores over at Evil Avatar. A 9 (out of 10) from GameSpot. A 4 1/2 (out of 5) from Gamepro. Perfect 5 from X-Play. I […]