Nintendo might be hoping that Battalion Wars 2 won’t sell well

GoNintendo is a Nintendo fan blog I read frequently because Rawmeat Cowboy will post absolutely anything there that is even remotely Nintendo related, and I can’t get all the content he manages to post in a single day on a single site, anywhere else. Today, RMC posted an “End of Day Thought” regarding the complete […]

A good example of marketing demonstrating its irrelevance

There are times when marketing people shouldn’t be allowed to speak. This is one of those times. Here’s a small portion of an interview with Insomniac Games’ marketing director, Ryan Schneider. Insomniac is the developer of the Ratchet & Clank games. Kikizo: You’ve said that some inspiration is taken from games and movies, but have […]

Metroid Prime 3: I can haz bad revyooz now?

Because LOL language is fun. And giving Nintendo games bad review scores is “in”, apparently. I should preface this by saying, no, I haven’t yet played the game. That will change Tuesday evening. I really shouldn’t be tossing in my 2-cents judging reviews for games that I haven’t yet touched. But, oh, wait! This is […]