You never really understand just how dependent (read: addicted) you are to something until you are forced to be cut off from said “thing” for an extended period of time. Case in point: for the past two weeks, my workplace has blocked social sites such as Facebook and Twitter. This has likely been done in […]
Facebook landgrab sucessful!
I was able to successfully acquire my desired name in the great Facebook vanity URL landgrab of 2009. No longer am I Facebook Random User ID# 501415487. I can now be found at It’s a minor thing, truly, but one that I’m happy to have secured. And yes, I was up late at night […]
What have I been up to?
My regular blog readers have probably noticed the silence these past couple of months. I’ve been extremely busy, both at work and at home. At some point within the past few months, I slightly altered the sidebar description of this blog to denote that it is reserved for “larger more encompassing thoughts, essays, concepts, and […]
Facebook completely fails at advertising properly
Facebook has essentially guaranteed that I will never, ever engage with any of their advertising partners. How did they do this? Easily. They did it by completely ignoring me. For the past week, there has been a recurring ad being displayed on my profile sidebar advertising Sexy Singles in My Area™. It features a half-naked […]
Dungeons & Dragons Tiny Adventures Facebook app
Evidently the fine people at Wizards of the Coast (WotC) saw fit to create a Dungeons & Dragons Facebook application called D&D Tiny Adventures (not to be confused with Tiny TOON Adventures). In this app, you can select from a significantly narrow list of adventurers and begin your own solo campaign, where all of the […]
Well, how many social networks DO we need?
Great thoughts from Dave Winer based on an open question from Ponzarelli. Since the conversation is fairly short at the moment, I thought I would add my own thoughts on the concept. Ponzi asks how many social networks is enough? Dave responds that we only need one. The true question becomes: which one? The problem […]