Yesterday, I got to go on a field trip with my pre-kindergarten son to Living History Farms. It was a great trip, full of the amazement of experiencing new things reflected in the eyes of a child, as well as the enjoyment of listening to the wonderfully innocent and infallible humor of 5 year olds. […]
Recent photos: kids being adorable and a tea table
I promised my wonderful mother-in-law that I would talk about the boys more often around here. I cannot disappoint her! The results would be devastating. So, to appease all the masses interested in seeing the kids, I felt the need to highlight a couple of recent photos here. Here’s a great shot the wife took […]
Mommy is the best (of course)
I love to mention how amazing my wife is in all appropriate regards, and this situation is no different. She called me earlier today to say that son number 2 (who barely slept at all last night due to a hacking, barking cough) was obviously sick. More than likely some respiratory flu of some sort. […]
Weather is great for sitting inside and watching Nova
I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned this here on the blog before, but all of us in my family are guilty of being Nova-philes. We gather together every Tuesday evening to watch interesting stories about exploding stars, or volcanic eruptions, or Mayan culture, or melting icebergs. It’s fascinating, and what really makes me smile is […]
Out for a while
I’m going to be away from the site for a few days. My wife’s grandmother passed away this weekend after a year-long battle with lung cancer. I don’t want to say she “lost” the battle, as so many people in these sorts of situations do. It’s always sounded so horrendously pessimistic to me. But she’s […]
A photo of my shame
Some may doubt my wife’s gaming prowess. May I submit to you proof that my wife is indeed, “1337”. In the photo below, my wife’s Mii is the one in the orange hat with shades. She has left me with, what, five top scores? Out of nearly thirty? A paltry sum, I declare, but I […]
Of tropics and crossbows…and gamer wives
I’m lucky in that I’ve latched onto an amazing woman for my wife. Besides her phenomenal cooking skills, her excellent brain, and her beautiful body, she also happens to be a lifelong gamer. She honed her skill on the Sega Genesis, playing Sonic the Hedgehog games. More recently, she’s been addicted to various MSN “casual” […]
More tubes, please
Caleb got tubes inserted into his ears this morning for the third time in his short life. Here he is just before leaving me to have some strange doctor shove pieces of plastic into his eardrums. The kid’s a trooper, I have to give him credit. He came out of the surgery fantastically, with only […]
We’re alive
No nasty accidents on the way home yesterday from our trip to Iowa City. We did have to chisel the van out of nearly two inches of ice that had accumulated over the day on Saturday, however. That was a part of the Iowa life that I always forget about come winter. We had an […]
Week off! WHOO-HOO!
I’ve got the entire week off next week. On Monday, I get to stay home with Alex while the wife goes off and does…something…wifey. On Tuesday, I’m traipsing into Des Moines to spend the day in a coffee shop somewhere and write. All day long. Or at least most of the day. Wednesday, I get […]