Field trip!

Yesterday, I got to go on a field trip with my pre-kindergarten son to Living History Farms. It was a great trip, full of the amazement of experiencing new things reflected in the eyes of a child, as well as the enjoyment of listening to the wonderfully innocent and infallible humor of 5 year olds. […]

Weather is great for sitting inside and watching Nova

I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned this here on the blog before, but all of us in my family are guilty of being Nova-philes. We gather together every Tuesday evening to watch interesting stories about exploding stars, or volcanic eruptions, or Mayan culture, or melting icebergs. It’s fascinating, and what really makes me smile is […]

Out for a while

I’m going to be away from the site for a few days. My wife’s grandmother passed away this weekend after a year-long battle with lung cancer. I don’t want to say she “lost” the battle, as so many people in these sorts of situations do. It’s always sounded so horrendously pessimistic to me. But she’s […]

Week off! WHOO-HOO!

I’ve got the entire week off next week. On Monday, I get to stay home with Alex while the wife goes off and does…something…wifey. On Tuesday, I’m traipsing into Des Moines to spend the day in a coffee shop somewhere and write. All day long. Or at least most of the day. Wednesday, I get […]