Via Kevin Lawver’s wonderful Tumblr, I came across this yesterday. What is it? Nothing more than a collection of somewhere in the neighborhood of 35 stories written on I’ve talked about Ficly a lot in the past. It’s a fantastic site, not just because you can create and share short pieces of fiction there, but also […]
My gratuitous Ficly wish list
Now that I’ve published fifty Ficly stories, I’m a self-described, federally-licensed Ficly Veteran™ and as such, demand more, newer, and better features out of the online micro-publishing platform. After all, what else am I paying my $29.95 monthly subscription rate for, if not exceptional service? So I’ve assembled an official List of Things™ (rendered on equally-official […]
One month of Ficly stories
I honestly don’t mean for this to become the Ficly blog. I swear. There’s already one of those, and I don’t need that kind of pressure. I just felt the need to point out that I am now approximately 1/12th of the way through the Ficly 365 challenge. Upon completion and posting of today’s story, […]
Ficly 365 progress
Well, it’s only been a week, but it’s been a successful one! In conjunction with my new goals for 2010, I’ve created a new Ficly story so far for each of the 7 days of January. It’s been a great experience so far. I feel like I’ve been stretching some muscles I haven’t had a […]
Ficly is now live!
I mentioned a while back (holy crap, and it’s still on the front page) that Kevin Lawver was going to re-incarnate the long-lost property that AOL killed, Ficlets, into a new creation. And now that day has come. Introducing Ficly! I haven’t had a chance to really play with it yet, but here’s some things […]
I demand creativity from myself
It’s an adage as old as the practice of writing itself: if you want to be a good writer, you have to write every day. The same advice works for artists. I want to be a good writer. I also would love to be a good artist/designer. Let’s face it, I just want to be […]