Babies everywhere!

So, while we were all busy congratulating Robert Scoble on the birth of his baby Milan–likely the first ever Twittered birth–another baby was being born. My friends Travis and Mandy had their first child born at 9:45 this morning. I got to see the little guy briefly over my lunch break today. His name is […]

Calacanis and Winer: now here’s a reason to hate the internet

Even though this is making all the rounds on the internet, I feel the need to comment. I don’t know why; I guess I must just be bored. So, evidently Jason Calacanis talked at Gnomedex about Mahalo. And Dave Winer didn’t really care for that too much. But instead of intelligently discussing his issues with […]

There’s a disconnect here, and it isn’t Nintendo’s fault

I find myself apologizing a lot for the things Nintendo does that the public reacts badly to. But this is just a bunch of pathetic FUD. Yes, that’s right, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption will not have any online multiplayer. And that’s exactly what I wanted to hear. Others, for some reason, not only want to […]