Evidently, I do. NPR recently started looking for a new host to create their own radio show on NPR. They made it into an American Idol-type contest called Public Radio Talent Quest. I’m not overly thrilled with my entry, nor am I hopeful for my chances. There’s already almost 600 entries, and still four days […]
Cleaning house
Maybe “cleaning house” isn’t the right term. Streamlining? Attempting to be more efficient with my free time? Making myself “scalable”? Well, whatever terminology could be used to describe it, the fact of the matter is I’m cutting away some side-projects. I’ve realized recently that I spend a lot of time doing things that I no […]
TMNT: 27% on RottenTomatoes.com
I’m taking my nephew and older son to see the new all-CGI TMNT movie tomorrow. Now, I’m beginning to think: is this a good idea? Meh. I’m not expecting 300 here. This is just a movie featuring four mutated amphibians fighting crime as mystical ninjas. It’s purely a popcorn flick. And it will be fun […]
Kris Straub goes Halfpixel
Not sure how I missed this, but I’m glad I caught it now. The lovable Kris Straub of Starslip Crisis and Checkerboard Nightmare has started up another website called HalfPixel. At HalfPixel, Straub appears to be tossing around quick, short webcomics like they’re Pez, and I’m loving it! The offerings so far include Time Friends, […]
TechCrush a non-issue, move along, please, move along…
Hey, did you hear that there’s actually no legal action attempting to derail TechCrush before they have even had a chance to get some content out. It’s true! Apparently, Mike Arrington did NOT send out some vitrolic cease and desist letter. It was more like a nice, professional email suggesting that TechCrush might be infringing […]
Evidently we DON’T need an anti-Techcrunch
Or at least, someone seems to think we don’t: We put down our pencils here at the Crush-Room for the next days due to possible legal issues. Please stay with us, we will see how things are going to work out. Let’s hope it does all work out, because I was actually looking forward to […]
Introducing the Nerdblog Network!
We’re all nerds, or at least to some extent. I’ve begun to collect a few nerds at a happy location called the Nerdblog Network! I’ll speak periodically about this wonderful project, but for now, I’ll let the initial post on the new site speak for itself.
Paid Netscape “Navigators” revealed
It looks like three digg users have taken Jason Calacanis’ offer and are now being paid $1000 a month to add social news content to Netscape. Top digg users BloodJunkie, DirtyFratBoy, and Wayjer have all accepted the paying gig, and quite a few notable digg users seem to have joined up on Netscape, as well, […]
Interview at WoR Radio tonight!
I’ll be interviewed tonight on WoR Radio at 10PM CST! We’ll be talking a little bit about Superman Returns, and a lot about Zoinks! and webcomics in general. Might be a good time, who knows! I tend to ramble on and tangent often, so it could end up being an extremely boring and unnecessary discussion. […]
Digg v3.0 launching Monday
Link: TechCrunch More than likely, by the time you read this, the new version of Digg will have already launched. I just didn’t want anyone to forget. As a huge Digg proponent myself, I’m very much looking forward to the new format and added features. Blogged with Flock