I haven’t been around much lately, because we’ve been in the process of transitioning to a new place. Between that and a severe lack of internet at home due to the move, internet-ing has been relatively light these past couple of weeks. But I did take the opportunity yesterday to check out a bit of […]
Two more of my domains going away
Just shut off auto-renew on two more domains of mine that are coming up for renewal within the next couple of months: nerdflood.com and nerdshelf.com. The slash-and-burn clearing of my internet house continues. And the dude abides.
Facebook landgrab sucessful!
I was able to successfully acquire my desired name in the great Facebook vanity URL landgrab of 2009. No longer am I Facebook Random User ID# 501415487. I can now be found at facebook.com/nathanielpayne. It’s a minor thing, truly, but one that I’m happy to have secured. And yes, I was up late at night […]
Facebook completely fails at advertising properly
Facebook has essentially guaranteed that I will never, ever engage with any of their advertising partners. How did they do this? Easily. They did it by completely ignoring me. For the past week, there has been a recurring ad being displayed on my profile sidebar advertising Sexy Singles in My Area™. It features a half-naked […]
One last TrustyPig post
Last one, I PROMISE! I just realized that in my last post, I was far too kind to TrustyPig. I gave the TrustyPig admin too much credit, thinking that he was simply the victim of some freelance web developer from China that stole the site design from SmartyPig. Why did I allow myself to swallow […]
More on TrustyPig
I know, I know – I’m already sick of talking about TrustyPig myself. But today, we received word that the TrustyPig admin (“Costy”?) has responded to our claims that the SmartyPig website design was stolen. Rather than post the response on their own blog (which any transparent company would do), TrustyPig opts instead to work […]
TrustyPig changed their site (but I still don’t trust them)
You would have thought that after yesterday’s efforts by the Des Moines online community to destroy TrustyPig’s reputation that something would have changed by now. And will you look at that. Someone has a new site design today! Beautiful. A search on Google for trustypig reveals why that site design has been posted so quickly. […]
TrustyPig steals SmartyPig website
We don’t have many web 2.0 products coming out of Des Moines these days (you can read my commentary about that here). So when something hideous and wrong happens to one of our few entrepreneurial successes, we take notice, and we do something about it. Des Moines-based SmartyPig is a site where you can start […]
Could Des Moines be a web 2.0 hotbed?
A while back, Jesse Stay (FriendFeed | blog) asked a question on Twitter (which I, of course, responded to on FriendFeed, as did many others). It was a simple question: Just curious, if you had one city in the U.S to live, based on affordability and web 2.0 networking potential, where would you live? I […]
Tor.com launches! Scifi geeks gain a(nother) home
As if there weren’t already enough places for geeks to hang out online, another challenger approaches! Popular science fiction publisher Tor has re-launched their website as a mini scifi geek social network, and I have to admit, it has an excellent set of initial features and offerings. First things first: here’s my profile. It will […]