I beat the game last night, with 100% completion, meaning I obtained all of the cherished suit upgrades, missile expansions, and energy tanks. I spent a sum total of 21 hours, 34 minutes in the MP3:C universe, and enjoyed every minute. The last boss – Dark Samus and the stolen Aurora unit – were incredibly […]
Metroid Prime 3: I can haz bad revyooz now?
Because LOL language is fun. And giving Nintendo games bad review scores is “in”, apparently. I should preface this by saying, no, I haven’t yet played the game. That will change Tuesday evening. I really shouldn’t be tossing in my 2-cents judging reviews for games that I haven’t yet touched. But, oh, wait! This is […]
August: the month of Metroid
I was reading an interesting editorial over on IGN from Matt Casamassina discussing the complete absence of hype and/or marketing for the upcoming Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. I thought it was a great read, especially considering we are less than 3 weeks away from MP3’s launch, and Nintendo hasn’t even bothered to update the official […]
There’s a disconnect here, and it isn’t Nintendo’s fault
I find myself apologizing a lot for the things Nintendo does that the public reacts badly to. But this is just a bunch of pathetic FUD. Yes, that’s right, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption will not have any online multiplayer. And that’s exactly what I wanted to hear. Others, for some reason, not only want to […]