Does a $60 price tag equal “next-gen”?

Fellow Nerdblog Network member, bapenguin, has a vicious rant posted on Evil Avatar today, mercilessly attacking publishers (read: Electronic Arts) for their feeble attempts at passing minimal or non-existent “upgrades” as “next-generation content”: One of the hottest topics with next-gen games right now is the price. $59.99 sucks. But what sucks worse is when games […]

The sale day of Wii, as for announcement of price September

Link: Famitsu (horrendously translated from Japanese to English by Google) Don't even bother attempting to read through that translated page. I think I understood it better when it was in Japanese. Evidently, according to gaming sites with more reliable translation sources, Nintendo is planning to announce the official Wii launch date and price sometime in […]