It’s obviously a fairly incendiary title for a blog post, but one that I feel is for the most part true. My thoughts on this were sparked by a blog post by Brad Guigar over on called Writer’s Block: It’s a Myth where Brad muses in a straightforward way that writer’s block is not […]
I can call them ‘Legos’ if I want to (and you can’t stop me)
Since the concept of playing with Legos is so near and dear to my heart, I found this FriendFeed thread by Iowa native Chris Pirillo (FriendFeed | blog) to be terribly interesting. Upon reading this, it is your formal duty to bust anybody who violates this rule in FF threads. It’s not Legos, it’s LEGO. […]
A good example of marketing demonstrating its irrelevance
There are times when marketing people shouldn’t be allowed to speak. This is one of those times. Here’s a small portion of an interview with Insomniac Games’ marketing director, Ryan Schneider. Insomniac is the developer of the Ratchet & Clank games. Kikizo: You’ve said that some inspiration is taken from games and movies, but have […]
Mooncakes are Asia’s fruitcakes
I have a co-worker who has had the opportunity to travel to our Singapore office. One of the foods he mentioned as being a particularly tasty treat while in the country was some dessert dish called a “mooncake“. Just last week, we had one of our Singapore office IT staff visit the US for some […]
CSS elite: cover your ears
Overheard on Evil Avatar (can’t link directly to the thread because it’s in the subscribers section): Christ, I think the motto for CSS should be “maybe I should just use a table”. I would counter the man’s argument with a list of all the benefits CSS provides, if it weren’t for the fact that even […]
On moving forward…
Caught this tidbit from the mind (and fingers) of Jon Rosenberg: I am thinking about ramping up the pace of Goats a bit and seeing how fast I can rocket towards the conclusion. As much as I am enjoying building things up and exploring the details of the Goats multiverse I think there is only […]
It’s better to be good than fast
At least, that’s part of John Scalzi‘s opinion in his entry into the ongoing debate regarding how long is too long (or, alternatively, how short is to short) an amount of time to be working on a particular piece of fiction. I mean, look: George R.R. Martin took five years to write A Feast For […]
Dave Kellet hates New Jersey
It’s true. He also hates Mississippi. I saw it on the internet. I’ve always loved how New Jersey is called “The Garden State”. That’s the equivalent of saying “Mississippi: The Education State!”
Web You.0!
It’s all about the adketeers. The goal here is not to take control of submitted material, but to make it easy enough to submit quick, fun content that it’s not much of an inconvenience to be deprived of control of submitted material. The result is a Creative Commons-like “Attribution” license! Except with sole ownership rights […]
Vandalize the chicken article!
Have I ever mentioned how much I love Ryan North? HOW IT WORKS: Simple! I just said. Instead of vandalizing Wikipedia in general, we all just vandalize the chicken article. How does it work? Dudes already know about chickens. Ladies also already know about chickens. Does an encyclopedia really need an article about nature’s tastiest […]