This coming year, there won’t be any new year’s resolutions for me. Oh, I’ll probably start trying to eat better, and maybe try to lose a few pounds, because let’s face it, I need to do that regardless. Be a better husband and father? I like to think any man (myself especially) would strive to […]
From 2012 to 2013
Yeah, I’m doing that whole looking back at the year behind us, and looking forward to the year ahead sort of thing today. Bear with me, I haven’t written a blog post in several months. I’m a bit rusty. All in all, 2012 was a pretty good year for us. It was the year my […]
Things for 2012 That Sound Suspiciously Like Resolutions, but Totally Aren’t, so Try Not to Get Confused
NOT resolutions. Really. They’re numbered, but they’re not necessarily in any particular order, so I guess I could have just not numbered them, but then it would have been harder for me to figure out how many I had written. Onward and upward. 1. One new creative project every week, either artwork of some sort(illustration, […]