Well, it’s official. I’m finally a full-fledged member of my family. I now have a legitimate thyroid disease. It’s a mainstay trademark of the Payne family, at least on my mother’s side. You just can’t go very long without some sort of thyroid problem. But for me, it’s a particularly appropriate disease. I have been […]
Home sick today
I’ve spent the entire day sick in bed today. The likely culprit was metal ice cream. I’ll explain later. Maybe.
I feel ‘ugh’. That’s my mood, right there: ‘ugh’
I have discovered a brand new back pain up near my neck that made it impossible to be upbeat last night. That combined with an entire family of cold sufferers and me feeling on the horrendous side of miserable kept me from being able to play Metroid last night. Can you get withdrawal symptoms after […]