You never really understand just how dependent (read: addicted) you are to something until you are forced to be cut off from said “thing” for an extended period of time. Case in point: for the past two weeks, my workplace has blocked social sites such as Facebook and Twitter. This has likely been done in […]
What have I been up to?
My regular blog readers have probably noticed the silence these past couple of months. I’ve been extremely busy, both at work and at home. At some point within the past few months, I slightly altered the sidebar description of this blog to denote that it is reserved for “larger more encompassing thoughts, essays, concepts, and […]
Could Des Moines be a web 2.0 hotbed?
A while back, Jesse Stay (FriendFeed | blog) asked a question on Twitter (which I, of course, responded to on FriendFeed, as did many others). It was a simple question: Just curious, if you had one city in the U.S to live, based on affordability and web 2.0 networking potential, where would you live? I […]
Toluu has gotten even better
My new favorite RSS feed suggester, digester, and recompenser Toluu (first talked about here) just released some nifty new features. My absolute top favorite is pictured below: Every feed in the system now shows how many people are subscribed to it, and you can click the tab to see who is subscribed to the feed. […]
What the hell is Toluu? And does it require a prescription?
After generally ignoring my blog for several days (as I am wont to do every now and again, especially when Twittering so much), I checked back in today only to find that I was receiving an unexpected influx of traffic from a site called Toluu. Curious, I jumped down the rabbit hole and followed the […]
Back to Firefox: sorry, Flock – I tried
So last night, I downloaded and installed the latest release of Firefox (I’m just not ready for beta3 yet). I’ve been a Flock supporter for about two years now, but it was just time to switch. It wasn’t necessarily anything that Flock did that made me go back to Firefox. It was what it […]
Fun online tools: blippr mini-reviews
So, I’ve been hooked on blippr lately. What is it? It’s a simple site where you can leave and peruse reviews for movies, video games, and books. The catch is that in Twitter fashion, your reviews can only be a maximum of 160-characters. I love this service for one very obvious reason. When I ask […]
My creative project for the past few days: Minific!
I haven’t crafted a drawing or written much fiction lately. Instead, I’ve been working on another creative endeavor: Minific. Minific physically is nothing more than a pretty front-end for the Twitter tweme #minific. Conceptually, it’s much more. It’s a store house for bursts of creative insight. A repository for a flash of fiction. An ever-changing, […]
One more reason to like Twitter more than Pownce
The way FriendFeed handles Pownce entries. I caught a tweet in FriendFeed that Jeremy Brooks cross-posted to Pownce. Note that there is a URL in the tweet. In the Twitter tweet, the text is plain, and the link is clickable. In the Pownce post, the entire text is clickable, but links back to the Pownce […]
Because someone asked…
No, as much as I enjoy it, Twitter most definitely does NOT constitute “writing.” On a related note: as I ramp up my creative practices, I really need to slow down that particular practice. No offense to my fellow Twitterers, but it is irresponsibly siphoning away time that is better spent on more productive efforts.