Hey, did you hear that there’s actually no legal action attempting to derail TechCrush before they have even had a chance to get some content out. It’s true! Apparently, Mike Arrington did NOT send out some vitrolic cease and desist letter. It was more like a nice, professional email suggesting that TechCrush might be infringing […]
Evidently we DON’T need an anti-Techcrunch
Or at least, someone seems to think we don’t: We put down our pencils here at the Crush-Room for the next days due to possible legal issues. Please stay with us, we will see how things are going to work out. Let’s hope it does all work out, because I was actually looking forward to […]
Do we need an anti-Techcrunch?
Evidently some people think so. TechCrush is a new site that takes a look at web 2.0 startups 6 months and 1 year after launch to see how the service has evolved–or devolved, as the case may be. From Stowe Boyd: Perhaps we need a dark doppelganger to TechCrunch — a TechMunch — a blog […]