Help us name our pulp fiction anthology!

So, myself and an eclectic collection of wanna-be authors are presently working on writing short stories for our very own anthology. The catch is that the stories are all pulp fiction (this pulp fiction, not that one). We have quite the extraordinary mix at the moment: a handful of hard-boiled detective stories, at least one […]

What have I been up to?

My regular blog readers have probably noticed the silence these past couple of months. I’ve been extremely busy, both at work and at home. At some point within the past few months, I slightly altered the sidebar description of this blog to denote that it is reserved for “larger more encompassing thoughts, essays, concepts, and […]

Don’t mind me, just hanging up the “gone writin'” sign

I would love to able to say that I’ve been “busy” lately, but that just isn’t the right word. Distracted is probably more appropriate. Between being glued to the Democratic National Convention speeches and pretending to write a novel, I just haven’t found the time to do much else besides surf and not blog. I […]

Could Des Moines be a web 2.0 hotbed?

A while back, Jesse Stay (FriendFeed | blog) asked a question on Twitter (which I, of course, responded to on FriendFeed, as did many others). It was a simple question: Just curious, if you had one city in the U.S to live, based on affordability and web 2.0 networking potential, where would you live? I […]

Another reason to love Twitter: the randomness of cartoonists

A good number of popular webcartoonists have Twitter accounts these days. I follow a small sampling of these excellent creative individuals, and happened to catch onto something marvelous that came absolutely out of nowhere today. Rene Engstrom, the Swedish creator of the comic Anders Loves Maria, posted a tweet this afternoon: Ok Twitter! I’m taking […]

What the hell is Toluu? And does it require a prescription?

After generally ignoring my blog for several days (as I am wont to do every now and again, especially when Twittering so much), I checked back in today only to find that I was receiving an unexpected influx of traffic from a site called Toluu. Curious, I jumped down the rabbit hole and followed the […]