I thought this concept was much funnier when Scott Kurtz did it back in 2001. Way to keep up with the times, Buckley. Copy much?
Goats is back!
Jon has brought back Goats, much to my delight. I will try to do my best to stay on schedule now that I’m an expert at baby wrangling. Thanks, Jon. We appreciate your dedication.
Comixpedia needs your help (possibly)
I know I don’t have the reach I used to, but any bit helps, I suppose. Xavier Xerexes over at Comixpedia is looking for someone to take over the Comixpedia webcomic encyclopedia. What it needs now, however, is enthusiastic and committed leadership dedicated to maintaining this project and helping to develop a more active community […]
On moving forward…
Caught this tidbit from the mind (and fingers) of Jon Rosenberg: I am thinking about ramping up the pace of Goats a bit and seeing how fast I can rocket towards the conclusion. As much as I am enjoying building things up and exploring the details of the Goats multiverse I think there is only […]
No good will come of this…
In one corner: Dave Kellet of Sheldon. After pleasantries were exchanged, they threw down the gauntlet: Would I, they wanted to know, be cartoonist enough to accept a challenge? A week of competition between our two strips, where we’d both have to write six days of material on some everyday, innocuous, uninspiring subject matter? Say…plastic […]
Blind Date comic posted
Looks like mine and Whitney‘s Blind Date comic has been posted. You don’t have to check it out if you don’t want to, but it sure would be swell if you did.
On blind dates with school girls…
The Blind Date II event is all paired up. I was paired with the gracious and absurdly talented Whitney Jane Robinson of Alma Mater, a fantastic comic that just recently joined the ranks of the Modern Tales collective. To commemorate the event, she was interviewed by the illustrious Shaenon Garrity. It’s painful to read Robinson’s […]
R Stevens is BRILLIANT! (and Harry Slack is right)
Maybe like me you caught Scott’s post today reiterating the latest webcomics mantra of “get Diesel Sweeties in more newspapers, plz KTHXBYE!” His concern is that the syndicate will stop caring about the New Kid On The Block after a couple months and move onto more aspiring projects, like weaseling more buttons and links into […]
Host your webcomic on ComicSpace…today?
Josh has promised us comic hosting on ComicSpace today. I expect this to be monumental news once launched. I’ll probably throw a comic or two up there just to play around with the tools. Could this be a better alternative to Comicgenesis, Web Comics Nation, and Drunk Duck? The community is already there (webcomickers flew […]
Origin Story: An Afterschool Special
Yay! It’s been posted! At least one of my submissions has. Which is just fine because the one Kris approved is the better of the two I submitted. I’m internet famous. (no I’m not)