laurenge: knivesschau: I need this jacket Want. This is an amazing jacket. I have a feeling it wouldn’t actually be all that comfortable, but that doesn’t matter since it looks so awesome.
My gratuitous Ficly wish list
Now that I’ve published fifty Ficly stories, I’m a self-described, federally-licensed Ficly Veteran™ and as such, demand more, newer, and better features out of the online micro-publishing platform. After all, what else am I paying my $29.95 monthly subscription rate for, if not exceptional service? So I’ve assembled an official List of Things™ (rendered on equally-official […]
If wishes were horses, I’d pick up an ATV
So, I’ve been gradually removing the games from my wish list lately as review scores come out and my anticipation for certain titles wane as real gameplay stories begin trickling in. After checking out the tracklist for Guitar Hero 3, I no longer have an interest in that game. Battalion Wars 2 is getting a […]
DS Lite is moving higher on my list
My co-worker brought in his Nintendo DS and his brand new copy of the Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass into work yesterday so I could check it out. All I’ve heard from him for months is that despite all the games coming out on every console these days, the DS remains his favorite system. He’s […]
The pain of the year-end maelstrom
I don’t know which is more depressing: the lack of money, or the lack of time required to play all the games coming out this year that I want to pick up. Just this month I have Zack & Wiki coming out next week, and the double-bogey of Guitar Hero 3 ($90!!!!) and Battalion Wars […]