I still don’t like resolutions. I never really have, but it’s only been the past couple of years where I’ve actively campaigned against the concept in general. Regardless, here’s some things (just a random collection, odd assortment, kind of things – nothing official, really) that I hope to focus on in the coming year. My art […]
It’s NaNoWriMo time again!
Okay, so today is November 1st, and my wife probably thinks that I’m already hard at work on my NaNoWriMo novel as I sit here clicking and clacking away at the keys of my computer, but I’m really just writing a blog post for my site to let everyone know that YES, I’m doing […]
These are not the 2014 resolutions you’re looking for
This coming year, there won’t be any new year’s resolutions for me. Oh, I’ll probably start trying to eat better, and maybe try to lose a few pounds, because let’s face it, I need to do that regardless. Be a better husband and father? I like to think any man (myself especially) would strive to […]
Good-bye two-thousand nine, hello twenty-ten
Is it the reflective time of year already? My how time flies when you only manage to craft one blog post a month for an entire year. Of course, it should be noted that that is completely intentional. 2009 was a pretty good year overall, with the one exception of the current month of December, […]
Art is work and writer’s block is a myth
It’s obviously a fairly incendiary title for a blog post, but one that I feel is for the most part true. My thoughts on this were sparked by a blog post by Brad Guigar over on Webcomics.com called Writer’s Block: It’s a Myth where Brad muses in a straightforward way that writer’s block is not […]
My creative project for the past few days: Minific!
I haven’t crafted a drawing or written much fiction lately. Instead, I’ve been working on another creative endeavor: Minific. Minific physically is nothing more than a pretty front-end for the Twitter tweme #minific. Conceptually, it’s much more. It’s a store house for bursts of creative insight. A repository for a flash of fiction. An ever-changing, […]
I demand creativity from myself
It’s an adage as old as the practice of writing itself: if you want to be a good writer, you have to write every day. The same advice works for artists. I want to be a good writer. I also would love to be a good artist/designer. Let’s face it, I just want to be […]
Ficlets: making mini-fiction into a social app
This. Is. Brilliant. John Scalzi has announced the creation of Ficlets, which is basically a social app consisting entirely of collaborative short fiction. And it is a phenomenal idea. At the very heart of the concept is what we’ve been trying to do over at the Evil Avatar Writer’s Guild. Which is concentrate writing into […]