I haven’t been blogging much recently due to a slight barrier to my online time: Tales of Symphonia. I’ve owned this RPG for almost two years now, but haven’t had the time and/or desire to actually continue it. I recently acquired the Tales of Phantasia remake for the GBA, and when I learned that Symphonia was actually created as a sort of unofficial “prequel” to Phantasia, I forced myself to jump back into the game.
I’m trying now to figure out why I stopped playing it in the first place. I’m now roughly 30 hours into the game, just about to enter the Toize Mine.
My hope is to finish this game sometime soon and then pick up Baten Kaitos now that it’s down to about $20 at Target. I’m such an RPG addict.
And that’s where I’ve been. Pathetic? I think not.
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