The ball doesn’t get “kicked”, it gets “blasted”

I’ve had a couple questions about the current header graphic. Yes, that’s a shot of Caleb I took just as his foot was about to blast the soccer ball. Yeah, that’s right – he never just “kicks” the ball. Oh, no. Not my son. No, he blasts the ball. He runs up to that ball, and right when his foot connects with the surface, he belts out a powerful “PFFSHH!” that rockets that soccer ball at least a few extra meters.

That’s right: my son comes to play soccer bringing his own sound effects.

You can hear it from anywhere around the field, too. It’s pretty amazing. Then, after he’s “blasted” that ball into play, he expertly jumps to the back of the pack and quietly shadows the ball as the other kids maneuver it downfield. He’s not scared of getting into the fray, far from it. He’s being strategic about his play options. When his team loses their sense of direction, they rely on Caleb to helpfully point the way to the goal.

Yeah, I’m thinking this whole “playing sports” thing isn’t likely to last another year. If it doesn’t involve superheroes in any way, Caleb just isn’t interested.

Oh, and you can’t tell, but that black shirt underneath Caleb’s soccer shirt: that would be a Star Wars shirt. As if you needed more evidence that he is absolutely, unequivocally my son.