The xFruits of my labor

On Lifehacker’s recommendation, I’ve been playing with the RSS mixer tool, xFruits, lately. My goal was to create what I call a LifeFeed, which is a combination of (a lot of, but not nearly all) pieces of content that I am producing/tracking on the internet. This is essentially an aggregated RSS feed containing the following contributions:

I really like working with xFruits so far, although, admittedly, I haven’t done much except play around with the RSS aggregator. It’s fairly quick and easy to use, but I have just one complaint. I can’t label my feed sources. I’d like to see in the feed the ability to label the individual content feeds as “Nerdflood”, “Flickr”, “Ficlets”, etc. so it’s obvious where each entry in the feed was generated. But this is a quibbling nuisance, as you can see the sources in the URL when you hover over the links. It’s a “nice to have”, not a “must have” feature.

All in all, it’s a fun product, and I look forward to seeing new features added as time goes on. I plan to create a few more xFruits in the next few days, including one based on the Evil Avatar network content.

Oh, and can someone please tell me what you would use “RSS –> PDF” for? I can’t think of a reason for its existence, and it’s driving me nuts because I KNOW it has to be there to serve some purpose.