Man, where has the time gone? In the period since my last blog post back in February, I have experienced the following (not necessarily in this order):
- We learned recently that my father has been diagnosed with cancer. I suppose this probably warrants more than just a bullet point on a list, but I’m trying to put things into perspective. He’s been diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, which we’re told is highly-treatable, and oftentimes, very curable. We’re hoping for the best. Which is why this is merely a bullet point. I don’t give it any further significance, because the cancer is neither significant enough to warrant more introspection, nor is it worthy of the additional attention. Sure, dad deserves more. But the cancer doesn’t. I mean, c’mon – it’s cancer. It’s lame and annoying and it just needs to go away. For what it’s worth, dad starts chemo next week.
- My daughter has started walking. Walking. Seriously. I am simultaneously excited and horrified at the prospect of having another toddler shuffling awkwardly through the house, but seriously. She was just born. This is not right.
- I started training for — and subsequently stopped training for — a 5K. My brother and his wife are planning on running our hometown 4th of July 5K. When they first mentioned it, some of us thought it would be great if we all started training and ran the 5K together as a family. We would get fit and healthy, and do it as a tribute to our parents. Awesome idea! I started jogging three times a week, and for a while, it was great. But for the past three weeks, I have done literally nothing. A major sinus infection has tackled me, along with various weather-related and work-related issues that have kept me off the pavement for far too long. I feel like all of the momentum is gone, and I don’t know if I can climb back up to peak runnability in less than a month. I may try again, but for now, I’m staying within the leagues of the walking.
- I stopped posting Ficly stories. It just got to be overwhelming, and it was consuming too much of my life. I figured if I’m going to be forcing myself to write on a daily basis, shouldn’t I be working on something I could eventually sell? Which leads me to the next item…
- God help me, I’m trying my hand at a novel again. I’ve got a great concept that I love, and it’s taken me several weeks of hammering to build out the outer shell of the story, but I believe I’m there, and I’m really going to try and crank this one out.
- I got new glasses! Okay, so far less life-changing, but still fairly awesome nonetheless. Aren’t I just adorable? I mean, look at me. Look at me!
So, yeah, that’s the recap. I love this blog and would like to keep posting new things and keep it updated, but it’s just so much easier to toss something up on my Tumblr or on Facebook and I’ve been finding myself doing that more and more often than straight up blogging. Maybe I’ll eventually just switch Nerdflood over to a Tumblr site and keep that my ongoing tool of choice and pray that my workplace doesn’t block it. I’m not quite sure what I should do.
So, for the time being, I’ll just do nothing. That is so much easier.