We’re alive

No nasty accidents on the way home yesterday from our trip to Iowa City. We did have to chisel the van out of nearly two inches of ice that had accumulated over the day on Saturday, however. That was a part of the Iowa life that I always forget about come winter.
We had an excellent time visiting Amanda’s mother this weekend, though our planned Christmahanukwanzolstice party had to be canceled due to the severe weather. We “made do”, as we so very often do here in what is truly the “middest” of the various wests. Games were played, movies were watched, children and adults alike were entertained and fed well. It made for a great weekend, and I hope we don’t wait yet another six months before visiting my mother-in-law the next time.

I say it was a great weekend, despite the fact that Caleb threw up on me in the middle of the night, somewhere between Friday and Saturday. Vomited. On me. Can you fathom what the rest of our weekend had to have been like for this unspeakable tragedy to become nothing more than a minor detail?

I submit to you that you cannot.