What have I been up to?

My regular blog readers have probably noticed the silence these past couple of months. I’ve been extremely busy, both at work and at home. At some point within the past few months, I slightly altered the sidebar description of this blog to denote that it is reserved for “larger more encompassing thoughts, essays, concepts, and arguments” in an attempt to at least partially dissuade the fictional constructs in my mind that incessantly harp on the fact that I don’t update the blog very often. However, I don’t feel comfortable leaving the site empty for weeks at a time. I also don’t just want to throw together one of those boring “Wow, it’s been a long time, hey blog?! Hurr, hurr” kind of posts. So I thought that I would rather assemble a bulleted listing of things that have been occupying my time lately.


  • Working on my Nintendo-centric blog, It’s Dangerous to Go Alone. It’s a bit exhausting having two blogs, but I like the dichotomy. This is still my one true home online, but my long-form essays on how pathetic Nintendo has been lately need to go somewhere. IDTGA has been a good outlet for those rants.
  • Being fairly active on both Facebook and Twitter. Facebook more than Twitter, to be perfectly honest. I see the value in Twitter, but I can’t spend hours there sifting through hundreds of tweets and engaging in every imaginable conversation. I tend to pick up on trending topics amongst my various peer groups, add a morsel of insight here and there, and scamper back into the shadows when someone points out the errors of my logic. I think it’s exactly how Kant would handle Twitter, had he not died in the 1800’s.
  • Writing some reviews for Colony of Gamers. It pays the bills. Actually, it doesn’t, because I don’t get paid for that. Drat.


  • Spending lots of time with family. I need to make sure I give everyone as much time as possible while we’re still just a family of four. In another couple of months, our new addition will make our lives more complicated (but far more rewarding).
  • Working on completing a major project for work that will go live this weekend. After that, breathing should come much more naturally.
  • Working on a novel late last year completely burned me out on writing, but I’ve now been getting the itch to write again. I spent some this weekend putting together notes on a couple of short story ideas and fleshing out a new young adult novel concept I came up with a few weeks ago.
  • The only gaming I’ve been doing lately is some intermittent bouts with PopCap’s new drug, Plants vs. Zombies. I think I’m finally over the addiction, but it was really touch and go there for a while.

And that’s pretty much it. I ate and slept in there a bit, every now and again. I also caught up on the first season of Dollhouse through the magic of Hulu and I’m marginally pleased that it was renewed for a follow-up season. But those are moments pest saved for tweets, don’t you think?

I’m not promising that this post means that “I’m back!” or any such nonsense. I’m standing by the idea that I will only post if I have something nascently substantial upon which to soliloquize (sorry, my thesaurus was handy). And even then, I can’t promise that it will be something worth reading. Only that it’s something I felt necessary to talk about.

Let’s just all agree to disagree on that particular aspect, shall we? Yes. Let’s shall.