Wii to become the de-facto home for new Tales games?

It was tough going to get this Famitsu article translated, but some enterprising Tales forum members were up to the task. One nearly inconsequential bullet point actually becomes a major supporting concept for my theory that the Wii will replace the PS2 as a home for jRPG goodness. Namco Bandai has apparently announced that after this year–which will see a new Tales entry on the 360 (Vesperia) and the DS (Hearts)–further “mothership” Tales titles will debut on the Wii. Mothership titles in the Namco world are considered brand new entries in the Tales universe, and do not include sequels, spin-offs, or remakes.

To have such overwhelming support from a premiere jRPG publisher as Namco Bandai is particularly telling. Now we just need to see Square Enix fall into line, and the movement will be complete. However, with Square Enix showing much more interest in the PS3 and the DS than anything else, I don’t actually see this happening.