I finished A Clash of Kings last night. I’ll be picking up A Storm of Swords tonight after work. I haven’t touched the Wii in about a week. Is that weird? Yes. Indeed it is.
The xFruits of my labor
On Lifehacker’s recommendation, I’ve been playing with the RSS mixer tool, xFruits, lately. My goal was to create what I call a LifeFeed, which is a combination of (a lot of, but not nearly all) pieces of content that I am producing/tracking on the internet. This is essentially an aggregated RSS feed containing the following […]
Surviving no TV week
It’s TV turn-off week, and though it isn’t affecting us greatly, it is having an influence. We aren’t overly dependent upon the televisions in our home, but it is nice to take this opportunity to unplug and show our boys that every now and then, you have to have something else be the focus and/or […]
Now I know how my wife feels
There’s probably a bit more detail to go into than to just simply say I’m cleaning house on side-projects. There’s more to it than that. I’ve recently discovered that I have high blood pressure. My doctor has been monitoring my stats over the past few weeks, and it hasn’t dropped below 130/90 (normal pressure is […]
Cleaning house
Maybe “cleaning house” isn’t the right term. Streamlining? Attempting to be more efficient with my free time? Making myself “scalable”? Well, whatever terminology could be used to describe it, the fact of the matter is I’m cutting away some side-projects. I’ve realized recently that I spend a lot of time doing things that I no […]
Oh, the possibilities
Just an FYI, we’ve recently learned that Guitar Hero 3 won’t be working in this fashion, but it’s still very cool to see. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9D0770SMqK0]
Playing Super Paper Mario
Starfox 64 available today!
No doubt, I’ll be downloading this gem this evening.