Nan Oh Rhyme Oh

It’s that time of year, again. The fall leaves changing, the air is getting colder (I think I covered most of this in my last post). But most of all, we’re quickly approaching November. And that means: NaNoWriMo. For those unfamiliar, NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month. The time of year where thousands of people […]

‘Write what you know’ will always be excellent advice for those who ought not to write at all. Write what you think, what you imagine, what you suspect. That is the only way out of the dead end of the Serious Novel which so many ambitious people want to write and no one on earth […]

Why did I just decide to change the gender of my main character halfway through chapter 8? Does it possibly have something to do with the female empowerment article I read earlier today? At least my son was cool with it. And it actually works to enhance the main point of conflict in interesting ways. […]

Writing out chapter three of my novel longhand. Which is not ideal, because A) my handwriting is terrible, and B) my hand cramps up something fierce after only a few minutes of writing. But it’s marginally better than writing on my computer, which usually consists of roughly 2% writing, and 98% surfing Facebook and Tumblr. […]

There was a knowing look on Elder Ro’s face. A look that Logan instantly recognized. It was a look of pity. One that suggested to Logan that the Desdemonian elder likely felt at least some amount of sympathy for the young helpless boy whose father had been missing for far too many days. Logan hated […]

10,000 Words!

I just hit a major milestone tonight. 10,250 words as of 9:45pm. With my end goal of 70,000 words, this means I’m likely around 1/7th of the way through my novel. Even though, I’m probably actually NOT 1/7th of the way through my novel, it feels like it, and so that’s what I’m sticking with […]