I actually wrote most of this a couple of days ago. And technically, Harlyn won’t hit thirty days until tomorrow. But it’s my blog and I can post it if I want to. Keep in mind, poetry is not necessarily my strong suit. Enjoy! Right now, as I write this, you lay next to me. […]
Meet baby Harlyn
Take a look at what has been keeping us preoccupied the past few days. She’s healthy and beautiful; an amazing bundle of screams, gurgles, smiles and poop. Needless to say, we’re quite taken with her. Thought you might appreciate the update.
Front yard renovation and Father’s Day
This past weekend, my brother and his wife were looking for a home renovation project. They had already finished work on their own home, and were looking for something new to tackle. Yes, they’re insane. So, I gave them a project to work on. We wanted to remove our cracked and ugly front sidewalk and […]
Facebook landgrab sucessful!
I was able to successfully acquire my desired name in the great Facebook vanity URL landgrab of 2009. No longer am I Facebook Random User ID# 501415487. I can now be found at facebook.com/nathanielpayne. It’s a minor thing, truly, but one that I’m happy to have secured. And yes, I was up late at night […]
Ficly is now live!
I mentioned a while back (holy crap, and it’s still on the front page) that Kevin Lawver was going to re-incarnate the long-lost property that AOL killed, Ficlets, into a new creation. And now that day has come. Introducing Ficly! I haven’t had a chance to really play with it yet, but here’s some things […]
What have I been up to?
My regular blog readers have probably noticed the silence these past couple of months. I’ve been extremely busy, both at work and at home. At some point within the past few months, I slightly altered the sidebar description of this blog to denote that it is reserved for “larger more encompassing thoughts, essays, concepts, and […]
A random assortment of things that happened in 2001
It’s been a bit too quiet around here lately. So, how about a timely trip down memory lane? In 2001…. George Bush officially became the 43rd president. Dale Earnhardt crashed and died on the last lap of the 43rd Daytona 500 (Coincidence? I think not). The Baltimore Ravens won their very first Super Bowl. I […]
Novels and the consumer mentality
There’s been a big to-do on those darn argumentative internets regarding George R. R. Martin’s treatise on how he should be allowed to have his own life and not be forced to simply churn out book after book like some sort of novel-writing automat. Several notable authors have hopped onto the bandwagon to defend Martin’s […]
What is a “protagonist” anyway?
So, I’ve had this short story bubbling around in my head for a while, and I finally got around to scratching down a few of the details before they become lost to the vanishing ether of this echoing chamber of a brain I’m cursed with. As I was putting together some of the character details, […]
8-Bit Jesus physical album arrives!
It’s a bit late for Christmas, but I don’t mind one bit. You may recall back in late December I highlighted some Christmas music for gamers (not surprisingly, this post is still on the front page. Yes, I update THAT infrequently). In that post, I had mentioned the excellent 8-Bit Jesus album by Doctor Octoroc. […]