10,000 Words!

I just hit a major milestone tonight. 10,250 words as of 9:45pm. With my end goal of 70,000 words, this means I’m likely around 1/7th of the way through my novel. Even though, I’m probably actually NOT 1/7th of the way through my novel, it feels like it, and so that’s what I’m sticking with […]


My word count on my novel will be pathetically miniscule this week, as I have suffered a major setback. That setback was not medical, mental, or spiritual. It was merely a side-effect of my inability to focus on anything for any extended period of time. Sometime this past weekend, I caught on a great (or […]

Don’t mind me, just hanging up the “gone writin'” sign

I would love to able to say that I’ve been “busy” lately, but that just isn’t the right word. Distracted is probably more appropriate. Between being glued to the Democratic National Convention speeches and pretending to write a novel, I just haven’t found the time to do much else besides surf and not blog. I […]