thepoisoncontrolcenter: The Poison Control Center are honored to be one of the 50 Things Juice Magazine likes about Des Moines!   We are number 26!  Wow how exciting.. Coffee only beat us by 1!  Thanks to Juice magazine for including us in this rad list and thanks to Des Moines for being so awesome and […]

Things for 2012 That Sound Suspiciously Like Resolutions, but Totally Aren’t, so Try Not to Get Confused

NOT resolutions. Really. They’re numbered, but they’re not necessarily in any particular order, so I guess I could have just not numbered them, but then it would have been harder for me to figure out how many I had written. Onward and upward. 1. One new creative project every week, either artwork of some sort(illustration, […]

Iowa-based Townpoints Launches

So, a brand-new Iowa-based web startup has launched today called “Townpoints” (@townpoints).  The concept behind the new startup appears similar to popular daily deal sites like LivingSocial and Groupon. Basically, the site promotes a local merchant with some great deals. There are, however, a few basic differences behind Townpoint’s effort that are worth pointing out. […]