Everybody’s working for the …. well, I work weekends, too

Summer has finally given way to a chilly, cloudy, glorious autumn, easily my favorite of the four seasons (no offense to Frankie Valli). Skies are gray, air is crisp, pumpkin pie is pending, and my birthday is just around the corner. Life is good. It’s been busy around these parts these days. I’ve been working […]

Apparently I’m a finalist in the Redshirts art contest

So, I haven’t updated my creative projects section in quite a while. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t been working on creative projects. I’ve just been working on things that I can’t yet record. Some commission art pieces, some writing, oh, and an art contest for John Scalzi’s upcoming novel Redshirts, where – APPARENTLY – […]

eschergirls: lesstitsnass: You punch like a girl, Masochist.  Seriously, that kind of posing on a punch is pretty much only drawn on girls. You’ll likely never see a punch done this way on a man. No, a man puts his back into a punch. There’s follow-through. This girl here, she has a weak punch because […]