Bat Kid
The Dark Knight Rises…to elementary school!
So, just because I haven’t added to my official creative projects page in quite a while, doesn’t mean I haven’t been drawing. If you’ve taken a look at my art page recently, you would see that I have indeed been adding artwork somewhat regularly (if by “regularly” we mean something along the lines of “a minimum of once a month”).
This one was a fun little drawing I did tonight based loosely on a joke between my kids about Batman riding a quote My Little Pony of Pain unquote. It got me thinking about a Bat Kid. Maybe Batman deciding to start fighting crime a bit earlier than his previous origin story suggests. I decided to engage in further attempts at crosshatching as shadow and dark coloring effects, and I’m happier with it than in previous attempts, but still obviously have a lot more to learn.
In any case, more art. Enjoy.